Rehearsal and Performance Attendance Music practices and performances are required. Any request for an exception must be submitted in writing and approved by the directors two weeks in advance of the conflicting date - except in emergencies. Work is not an acceptable excuse for missing any music event. Our schedule is always announced far enough in advance to avoid conflicts. Parents, please make every effort to schedule regular doctor’s appointments around the music schedule whenever possible. If a change of schedule is necessary, a minimum of two weeks notice will be given. Students are responsible for arriving at each rehearsal and performance on time and properly prepared (properly dressed, instrument ready, music ready). Parents are urged to see that their children take this responsibility seriously. There will be times, hopefully few, when a member must miss a rehearsal or come late. It is the responsibility of the member to request from the director an excused absence or tardy, and the request should be made in advance. Generally, personal illness, family emergencies and religious conflicts are excused. Medical appointments are not excused unless they are emergencies. Most importantly, be sure to contact the Director in advance. Excusable absences are:
Non-Excusable absences are: