Bass 2 5 String

January 10th, 2003
The neck has been glued.
Three 5/4 strips of maple and two 1/4 strips of walnut.

January 11th, 2003
The neck has been sent
through the planer and is perfectly square. I've
drawn the shape of the neck. As soon as my truss
rod gets here, I'll route it's grove before I cut
the shape of the neck. Click any of the pictures
for larger versions.

January 12th, 2003
The two sides of the
body are maple on the back and quilted mahogany of the front. The fretboard is Bubinga.

January 13th, 2003
The bass is clamped
together so I can see what it's going to look
like. I still won't cut the neck until I have a
truss rod groove cut. The parts were shipped
today from www.Stewmac.com

January 14th, 2003
I cut the body into it's
basic shape today. Although you can't see it in
my bad pictures, the grain of the wood is
Awesome! It appears that the horns will be close
to the neck, but the neck will be cut in a wedge
at the bottom which will spread the two body
parts apart as shown in the 2nd picture.

Jan. 15th, 2003
I must be living right
because my truss rod came in and it's supposed to
snow heavy tonight which means I won't have to go
to work (teacher). Hopefully I can finish the
neck and have the bass put together by the time
my hardware comes in this weekend.

Jan. 16th, 2003
I braved the snow today
and went to the local hardware store to replace
my band saw blade. I was then able to cut the
neck into shape. the groove for the truss rod is
in place, the head is scalloped, the lower half
of the neck is cut at an oblique, and the
fretboard is cut. And it's only 11:00AM! I love
snow days.

Jan. 17th - 18th
Two snow days later and
here it is. Almost playable. I only need to put
the strings on and finish the wiring and I can
play it for the first time. After I'm satisfied
with it's sound, I'll take it apart and finish
sand, stain, and spray.
