Choir Booster Membership Form |
auditioned choir of students in grades 10-12. Prerequisites
are one year in Chorus I or instructor permission. Students
in this choir represent the school and community in
various concerts, competitions, and trips. Concerts: All concerts and
performances are required and are a part of the semester
grade. Listed below are the performances that are
required for the 2003-2004 school year. Fall Concert (October 28th) Holiday Concert
(December 14th) District Contests-Solo
& Ensembles (April 2nd) District Contests-Choirs
(April 16th & 17th) State Contests (May 1st)
Spring Concert (May 3rd) *Worlds of Fun Choir
Festival (TBA) Any unexcused absence from
these performances will result in a reduction of 15% from
the student's grade. Absence due to illness or
family emergency must be verified in written form by the
parent. Use the music department website to fill
out absence form. Website: We have a BHS
Music Department website that will contain lots of useful
information for students and parents. The
website address is www.bolivarmusic.org.
Choir Robes: Students will be
issued a choir robe to wear for concerts and
performances. Students are responsible for the care
and transportation of the robe to and from performances.
Any loss or damage to the robe will be the financial
responsibility of the student. Grading System: Each
rehearsal is worth 10 points. If necessary points
will be deducted based on the students attendance,
participation, and behavior. Unexcused absences
will result in a 0 for the day. Concerts will
make-up approximately 25% of the semester grade. Truancy: Is defined as being
absent from class without the prior knowledge and
permission of the teacher. Students who stay
in another class, computer lab, library, etc. without the
permission of the instructor will be counted truant and
receive a discipline referral. Any student who
chooses to skip this class will be removed
from the group the following semester and will be
declared ineligible to perform on concerts for the
remainder of that semester. Tardies: Students arriving
late to class without a note will be counted tardy.
In addition to the consequences outlined in the student
handbook, students will be required to put away the
folders for their section. ISS: Any Concert Choir
or Chorus Line student receiving ISS will be required to
make-up all rehearsal time missed before or after school
within one week of the incurred absence. Activity Fee: An
activity fee of $20 is required for all students enrolled
in this class. The fee is due at the beginning of
the school year and is non-refundable. Checks
should be made payable to Bolivar High School. Payment
of the fee is due on September 5th. Alcohol/Drug Policy: Students
in Concert Choir and Chorus Line will be following the
same policy that is in effect for athletes at Bolivar
High School. Use of alcohol and non-prescriptive
drugs during school events or after school hours is
prohibited. Please read the attached information
sheet for complete information on this policy. Students
in this group will be held to a high standard of conduct.
Because this group represents the school at various
concerts and festivals students must meet the
expectations of the director and administration in terms
of citizenship and conduct. Students failing to
meet these expectations will not be allowed to perform
and represent the school and community We are what we
repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not
an act, but a habit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We have read the Concert Choir
Syllabus and understand the requirements and expectations
required to be part of this group. We understand
that all performances listed are required and are part of
the semester grade. ______
______________ (Date)
(Parent Signature)
(Student Signature) *This form must be returned by
August 30th with parent and student signatures. Failure
to do so will result in the first 6-week grade being
reduced by 1% for every day late. |