Choir Booster Membership Form |
CHORUS LINE SYLLABUS Course Description: Chorus
Line is a select/auditioned group of 24-28 singers who
perform a wide variety of choral literature throughout
the school year. Students will also participate in
solo and small ensemble rehearsals and performances. Activity Fee: There will be a
$20 required Activity Fee for the 2003-2004 school year.
Please pay this fee by the end of August. Outfits: The school will
provide dresses for the girls, and vest, ties, and tuxedo
shirts for the guys. Girls are required to
furnish their own shoes, guys need have black slacks and
black dress shoes. Concerts/Performances: All
concerts and performances are required and part of the
course grade. Because of the large number of
Holiday concerts students may be excused, providing the
Excused Absence Request is turned in at least
one week in advance. Grading: Grade reports are
issued every 6 weeks. All grades are progressive
(no averaging) and are based on daily attendance,
participation/behavior, and performances. Students
auditioning for All-District Choir will receive extra
credit during the Fall semester. Contests/Choir Festivals: Each
member of Chorus Line is required to participate in at
least one ensemble for District Music Festival. In
addition to contests, the group may attend Chamber Choir
Festivals during the spring semester. PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE (www.bolivarmusic.org)
RECOGNITIONS. We have read the Chorus Line syllabus. We understand and agree to follow the class guidelines and requirements for the class. _____
______________ ______________ (Date)
(Student Signature)
(Parent Signature) This syllabus should be signed
and returned by Friday, August 22nd. Failure to do
so will result in a 1% deduction of the first semester
grade for each day late!!